• 2.1 Version
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How-to Run XXSim


2021/08/07 XXSIM Reservoir Simulation Software New Features of v2.0.1

New Features:

1) Added a third party XSOLVER. (much faster for black oil models)

2) Co2 Sequestration/CO2STORE. (Three Phase EOS model only)

3) Multiple EOS regions. (Compositional model only)

4) Added Relperm End-Points: SWMAX, KRWCW, KRGCG array

5) Injection of Steam(quality=100%)+N2 + CO2. (thermal model only)

6) Well On Time Factor

7) Wellbore Cross Flow

8) 9-point formulations for black oil and compositional models

Major Bugs Fixed:

1) Wrong results in Dual Porosity/dual permeability model using XSOLVER

2) XYPLOT errors on rates, of Well, Group, Region and Field

3) Oil Compressibility (Coil) = 0.0 in Multi-PVT regions. (black oil model only)

4) Re-completion errors in schedule section

5) Initialization errors of complex system

6) ZVAR/KVAR reading errors

7) Unit Conversion errors


9) Plot errors of restarted run

10) Restart error for Model with Metric Unit

11) Oil Viscosity using correlations of AVISC, BVISC (thermal model only)


1) Stability and CPU run time of Co2 injection (Compositional model only)

2018/07/17 XXSIM Reservoir Simulation Software New Features of v1.5.1

1) Fixed a bug in isothermal runs ;

2) Allow user input porv directly ;

3) VE section, when endscale feature is not used, allow the last entry of water oil relperm table < 1.0 even if all pcow entries = 0.0 ;

4) Tested XXSIM on windows 7 and 10 platforms, added the necessary and required windows runtime files in package folder.

2018/05/31 GUI New Features of v1.5

The most important update is the release of a beta version of CMG to XXSim converter with following basic features:( If there is an error during the conversion or if you need to extend conversion function, please contact us by peclouds@hotmail.com , and we will be happy to convert it for you free of charge.)

1) the standard black oil model (IMEX);

2) the standard compositional model(GEM);

3) the standard thermal model(STARS);

4) improved 3DView module;

5) more adjustments and optimizations of Eclipse to XXSIM converter;

6) fixed the bug of the model directory that can not take the space character.

XXSIM New Features:

1) added multiple pvt tables for black oil;

2) added multiple equilibration regions;

3) added multiple viscosity tables for thermal;

4) added historical rates and wbhp of each well for history match purpose;

5) Added Restart option.

2017/12/12: New for v1.1

New features of XXsim and Eclipse to XXsim converter:

1) Added DUALPORO module in XXsim and conversions of keywords for dual poro model: DUALPORO, GRAVDR,   DUPNUM, DZMATRIX, MULTMF.

2)  Added conversions of Well Group constraints.

3) Added conversion of keywords related to faults;

4) Improved the conversion of BOX, MULTIPLY, ADD, EQUALS, MINVALUE, MAXVALUE, so that all the legal arrays   could be converted properly now.

5) Added conversions of keywords: MULTIREG, MULTREGT, MULTREGH;

6) Added conversion of keyword WPIMULT.

7) Thermal model conversion.

8) Add _xx to the converted eclipse data file.

9) Output region and group rates and cumulative in smspec and unsmry files.

10) And fixed some bugs.

XXSim package
