The Innovative Reservoir Simulation Software

EZSim is an EOS based general purpose compositional reservoir simulator with fully implicit formulation. It allows any components to appear and stay in any fluid phases (aqueous, oilec and vapour ).

In other words, it uses three-phase flash to allow light hydrocarbon components dissolved in aqueous phase, and water dissolved in oilec phase and vapour phase. Separator(s) with two or three-phase flash is used to separate all fluid phases at separator or surface condition.

It can be simplified to the conventional or traditional black oil, compositional and thermal modules. It also can be expanded to fully EOS based thermal simulator. EZSim is designed for reservoir engineers to conduct simple and quick researches or studies on recovery mechanistic, history match and forecasts.

Software Customization Service

Because of EZSim’s innovative and scalable architecture that allows any components appear and stay in any fluid phases (aqueous, oilec and vapour ), it can be extended or customized to more functions or tools.


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EZSim simulator evaluation package could be downloaded here. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
